Lee Jung Hee's support cafe of 30,000+ members to be shut down

Article: Admins of Lee Jung Hee cafe "We were fooled too" mental breakdown

Source: Herald Econ via Nate

1. [+832, -149] What the rest of us find ridiculous is not for everyone at the cafe for trying to help Lee Jung Hee but for putting down anyone who dared to have an opposing opinion. All the cafe members ever did was close their eyes an ears only see or hear what they selectively wanted to. Anyone who didn't share the same opinion as them were accused of working for the government, police, media, and even the father and accused of being sex criminals in the makings or Ilbe members... They're the ones who shouted for fair investigations but they were the most unfair of the bunch. Fighting for justice? They did not fight for justice at all... This is not something that the admins putting up an apology for will solve. They need to be punished by law as well. They are accomplices to Lee Jung Hee.

2. [+649, -71] What the cafe members did was blindly believe the words of a mentally ill person and blindly translate all of the psots to spread overseas. With what evidence did they act in such a way for? All of the foreign translations brought the controversy overseas and became a scandal even to foreign media outlets. What happens now? It's been all revealed to be a lie and the cafe is apparently being shut down? What's left for you all to do is to publicly apologize for spreading misunderstandings and false statements and taking back everything you guys spread overseas. You need to translate your apology into foreign languages and spread that! Don't be irresponsible after embarrassing a country like this. Apologize and let the international audience know what really happened.

3. [+578, -56] I'm serious, what happened to all of the idiots who threw a fit at you and swore at you up and down the minute you raised any suspicions ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+41, -3] I remember when this first started spreading, people would exile you if you even tried to mention anything like "let's wait and see what happens instead of listening to one side only."

5. [+24, -2] The cafe members better go back to CNN and other international media outlets and tell them this was all a scam. Don't just think being irresponsible and running away will solve it.


Article: "We were fooled"... Cafe supporting Lee Jung Hee to be shut down

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Nate

1. [+1,554, -47] What I learned from this... don't act out without knowing the facts.

2. [+1,111, -118] People who were fooled by the Nazi and cooperated were all counted for being guilty. It doesn't matter what the intentions were, it doesn't matter if you were fooled with false information... bringing harm onto others is a mistake in and of itself.

3. [+627, -56] I thought the first post was weird and didn't watch any video myself but if people wanted to help with good intentions, shouldn't they be trying to help the kids right now? The father is a physical abuser, the mother brainwashed them... they're being abused both physically and mentally..

4. [+73, -4] Please go back and tell CNN and the other media outlets that everything you guys translated and spread was a scam.

5. [+44, -3] I wonder how all the people who translated all of this and spread it to international sites feel right now


Article: Lee Jung Hee's cafe turn their backs on her

Source: Money Today via Nate

1. [+293, -45] The people who turned an average father into a devil are the real devils here

2. [+237, -27] Tsk tsk, this is what you get for getting all worked up without knowing the facts

3. [+115, -11] I still think it's hilarious how she tried to make an average town some sex crazed town ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+16, -5] Everyone tries to justify their actions by saying they had good intentions and wanted to help... but they went further than that by accusing anyone who tried to view the situation objectively as working for the government or being controlled by higher powers. You can't wash yourselves of the responsibility by saying you had good intentions and didn't know. So pathetic how this was spread to CNN and everyone...
