Veteran actress Jun Won Joo gives outdated advice to women

Article: Jun Won Joo "Daughter-in-laws, listen up. Treat your husbands like the sky!" (Interview)

Star News via Naver

Random snippets from her interview:

"During my days, husbands were treated (as preciously) as the sky. Lately, however, they're seen as equal to their wives. In our days, we wives always looked up to our husbands and believed everything he said. If he told me to walk into a river, I would do so without questioning it."

"Treat your husband like he is the pillar of your home. The wife should always treat her husband like he is the best so that their children will watch and learn and grow up to respect him."

"I always tell daughter-in-laws I see to make sure they make their husbands breakfast. Breakfast is like natural medicine; you should never skip it. You have to have a full stomach to be able to go out and work. The head of the household needs to be healthy for the family to be happy. I always tell daughter-in-laws to write a note inside their fridges, 'The head of the household's health is the family's happiness.' The family will fall apart once he does."

"Treat your husbands like they are the sky. If the wife respects her husband, then that husband will be respected by everyone else. The person who helps the man become a greater being is none other than his wife."


1. [+2,137, -200] ? Please don't forget that the wife is also the daughter of a family who raised her as their own precious child. It is not only your son who is precious.

2. [+1,832, -174] It is not only your son who is precious

3. [+667, -67] Does she think that mothers raise their daughters to become people who treat their husbands like the sky and make breakfast for them? ㅡㅡ Are they maids? Even my own grandparents think she's behind the times whenever they see her on TV saying this kind of stuff and change the channel ㅋㅋ Don't act like your opinion represents an entire generation.

4. [+184, -10] Every single member of a family is as important as the sky and every member is deserving of love and respect. There is a balance to everything and once that balance is broken, so does everything else.

5. [+168 ,-14] I hope I never marry into a mother-in-law like this

6. [+162, -9] As a mother of a son myself, I raised him to learn to become like his father... someone respecting of women. I heard that Jun Won Joo did not receive love from her husband and suffered a lot during her younger days.. why would she ever want to raise her son to be like her husband? ㅋㅋ I wonder if she'd ever say any of this if she had a daughter of her own ㅋㅋ

7. [+140, -3] Both the wife and the husband should be respectful of each other for a happy family. The reason Jun Won Joo-ssi gets hate is because she weighs everything on the man and treats the wife as if she lives to follow orders by her husband. If she thinks so importantly of the culture of her time, she shouldn't even be on TV as a celebrity. She should be at home making dinner and doing the laundry. How dare would a woman ever leave the house and even hold a job of her own back in the Chosun dynasty?
