Nicole's contract expires in two days

Reader request.


Article: 'D-2 until Nicole's contract expires' What is KARA doing now?... 'More buzz in Japan'

Source: Sports Seoul via Naver

1. [+611, -53] Not sure about Japan but Korea definitely doesn't care anymore ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+454, -44] Funny how they're Korean artists but no Koreans even know about this let alone have seen an article about it. Japan is more obsessed with them than actual Koreans are.

3. [+256, -34] Came to read the replies but I'm too early

4. [+69, -15] Jiyoung's showing aegyo in the picture ^^ I guess she doesn't cry in front of reporters

5. [+53, -16] KARA's done

6. [+38, -5] Japan has a lot of antis who leave hateful comments but not as much as us... and Japanese fans really care for the artists they like. I bet anyone would have more fun promoting in Japan than here..

7. [+46, -14] Don't care about Japanese artists

8. [+38, -7] Good for Nicole to leave when the group is on its downfall. KARA dragging the group on any longer will only be out of attachment.


Source: Nate

1. [+71, -4] In Korea, no one cares.. ㅋ

2. [+30, 1-] I only found out there are two days left through this article...

3. [+9, -2] If Japan cares about them so much, the five of them should just contract in Japan and stay there... They're more desperate to stay alive in Japan than in Korea by the way the act in Korea.. crying and throwing water bottles.

4. [+9, -2] I don't feel a thing

5. [+8, -0] And yet it's so quiet in Korea
